
I certainly didn’t intend to have music accompany nearly every page of New Kids in the World Cup. But once you begin digging for classic, hit songs, trust me — it’s hard to stop. In any case, here’s a suggested soundtrack.

Some of these songs were running through my head as I was writing. Others I imagined actually playing in the background of a scene. Still others seemed to fit the moment because of their mood, texture, tension, lyrics, or the artist themself. And then a few others might have something else going on — either a deep or trivial connection to the corresponding moment. 

All of the songs are chronologically accurate — and the vast majority of them were hits when the scene or passage takes place. Though all invoke the era and the zeitgeist of this story one way or another … which is the whole point, I suppose.

Links to playlists:
Spotify (slightly incomplete)



Chapter 1


Page 5


Page 6


Page 7-8


Page 9


Page 9-10


Page 10-13


Page 14-19


Page 20


Chapter 2


Page 21-22


Page 23-24


Page 25-27


Chapter 3


Page 28-29


Page 31


Page 31-32


Page 33-34


Page 35-36


Page 37-38


Page 38-46 (fade in/out)


Chapter 4


Page 47


Page 48-49


Page 50-51


Page 51-52


Page 52-53


Page 53-54


Page 54-57 (reprise)


Page 58-59


Page 59-60


Page 60-64


Page 65 (silence)


Chapter 5


Page 66


Page 67-68


Page 69


Page 70-71


Page 72-73


Page 73-74


Page 74-83 (fade in/out)


Page 84-85


Page 86-89


Page 90-91


Page 92


Chapter 6


Page 93-96


Page 96-98


Page 100-105 (fade in/out)


Page 105-106 (reprise)


Page 106-107


Page 107-108


Page 108-109 (reprise)


Page 109-110


Page 110


Page 111-112 (reprise)


Page 113-115


Page 115-117 (reprise)


Page 118-122


Page 122-123


Page 124-125


Page 126-130


Chapter 7


Page 131-137


Page 137-138


Page 139


Page 140-141


Page 141-143


Page 143-144


Page 145-147 (reprise)


Page 148-153 (fade in/out)


Page 154-157


Page 157-159


Page 159-165 (reprise)


Page 165-168 (reprise)


Page 169


Page 169


Page 171 (reprise)


Page 172


Page 172


Page 173-174


Page 174 (reprise)


Chapter 8


Page 175-177


Page 177-180


Page 180-183


Page 183-184


Page 185-186


Page 185-187


Page 187 (reprise)


Page 188-189


Page 189-191


Page 191-192


Page 192


Page 192-193


Page 193


Page 193-194 (reprise)


Page 194-195


Page 196


Chapter 9


Page 197


Page 198-199


Page 199-202 (fade in/out)


Page 203


Page 204


Page 205-207 (reprise)


Page 208 (reprise)


Page 208-209


Page 209-210


Page 211


Page 211-212


Page 212-213 (reprise)


Page 213-214 (reprise)


Chapter 10


Page 215-216


Page 216-217


Page 217-219


Page 219-221


Chapter 11


Page 222-227


Page 228-236


Page 236-239


Page 240-241


Chapter 12


Page 242-245


Page 245-249


Page 249-253 (fade in/out)


Page 253-254


Chapter 13


Page 255-256


Page 256-260


Page 260-264


Page 265-271


Page 271-272


Page 273-274


Page 275-277


Page 277-280 (silence)


Page 280-282 (reprise)


Page 282-284


Page 285-288


Chapter 14


Page 289-291


Page 292-296


Page 296-299


Page 300-306 (reprise)


Page 306-307


Page 307-309


Page 309-310 (silence)




Page 311-315